Weight loss and menopause for some reason just seem like they don’t go together!
Many women report the challenge of weight loss during menopause as it seems to become a bit more difficult.
Most of the time weight loss seems to haunt women but some men are reporting the challenge.
It appears that when women go through menopause the weight seems to gather around their waist and hips for many despite exercising and dieting.
It is stated that additional body fat is linked to hormones.
Many women follow a conventional low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet with lots of processed foods.
In the long run, this creates a condition known as insulin resistance.
When people are insulin resistant their body converts calories into fat.
That happens even if you are dieting. Going through menopause seems like an endless battle to lose weight or even diet.
That doesn’t always have to be the case. During menopause, it can be stressful so the stress hormones block weight loss.
Even while eating adequate foods the body acts as if it is in famine and stores calories as fat.
Which leads to a metabolic disorder called adrenal fatigue.
Many women combine a high-stress life with a low-fat, high-carb diet which creates a powerful hormonal imbalance which causes them to gain weight. Yo-yo dieting exacerbates the problem.
When a woman is on a high-carb diet they are often barraged with a craving for sweets.
At that point, the body cannot maintain an optimal sugar and serotonin level.
Which in turn makes you snack and drink caffeine to feel better.
This makes your insulin resistance worse, making the vicious cycle even worse. The cycle of gaining weight is accelerated.
Women lose estrogen which is an added factor during perimenopause.
The body needs extra fat resources as estrogen decreases.
Other factors that play into this problem are unresolved emotional issues, food sensitivities, digestive issues such as yeast, and even heavy metal toxicity.
The most critical step going through this is to get healthy.
You need protein at every meal, low carbs, very little to no processed food, and lots of fruit and vegetables.
Take some nutritional supplements designed for menopause to help with the change going on in your body.
Drink lots of water.
Exercise as much as possible going for walks 4 to 5 times a week for 30 minutes or more which in turn will help boost metabolism.
Try to reduce the stress in your life if possible and strive for balance.
Menopause can make weight loss even more challenging for both women and men.
But with the right knowledge and some hard work, it can be done.